March Rabies Clinic Cancelled

Due to the need to practice social distancing in light of the national emergency related to the Coronavirus, we, unfortunately, have no choice but to cancel tomorrow's Rabies Vaccine Clinic. As you can imagine, many of the people that participate in our rabies clinics each month are individuals who are at high risk, and for the safety of our clients and our staff, we felt that canceling this clinic was the only responsible thing that we could do in light of the most recent information available to us. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to anyone and for the last-minute nature of this cancelation. As you all know, information about the spread of the disease is developing quickly, especially over the last 48 hours. We had sincerely hoped to be able to offer the clinic as we know that so many in our community depend upon this low-cost resource, but we hope to see you all at our April clinic on April 19th. Stay safe out there everyone.


Sherrie Hines, Board President